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Pic-of-the-Week: Why Oil & Gas Matters So Much in Oklahoma (05/12/2014)

OK Oil and Gas Earnings Share Near Oil-Boom High in Early 1980s – The economic role played by the oil and gas industry in Oklahoma has returned to near levels last seen in the Oil-Boom days more than three decades ago. Remarkably, earnings across the mining industry now total $15.8 billion, or 13.7% of all earnings statewide. And as the graphic shows, the tiny utilities sector is the only major industry sector within shouting distance of mining based on average earnings per worker.

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Pic-of-the-Week: Oklahoma Oil and Gas Hiring (4/14/2014)

Clear Downshift in Oklahoma Oil and Gas Hiring, But Growth Continues at a Moderate Pace

Oklahoma Oil and Gas Hiring
A clear downshift in hiring in the oil and gas sector since early 2012 is weighing on the state’s core job growth rate.  Oil and gas hiring prior to the recession was extremely rapid at an 8-12% annual pace and was the key factor behind strong state job gains in the period. The recession then wiped out several years of gains, but growth quickly returned to a surprisingly robust 10-15% annual rate in 2010.
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Pic-of-the-Week: Oklahoma Metro Job Growth (4/7/2014)

The Oklahoma City and Tulsa Metro Areas Continue to Rank High in Job Growth

cow_1_20140404Both the Tulsa and Oklahoma City metro areas rank among the top half of all metros in job growth the past twelve months. The two charts provide a distribution for all 372 of the nation’s metropolitan areas by their job growth rate and by number of jobs created in the period. Oklahoma City ranks
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